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Open the ears to your heart

We do not think of these things. Such things as giving your ear as a form of compassion and sensuality. We very seldom give thought to listening being a form of love. It takes a compassionate person to really hear what someone is saying sometimes when it comes to sensuality. This is because sensuality is tricky. Sensuality comes in many different forms, just so many other things is life; but some of us tend to only think of it as intercourse. If I had to give the definition of what sensuality is, the intercourse would not cross my thoughts. Listening on the other hand would. Listening provides sensual comfort that is never thought or talked about. I don't why because therapists and psychologists give this comfort often. It's just a release mechanism and like most endorphins we rarely able to tell when it's happening. Therefore, it is one of the most critical part of being to be sensual. Open your heart to hear what is being said.

Being a great listener, you should hear and respond with your heart. When someone doesn't really care much for what you are saying to them, they give you crappy responses. Responding back with some concern causes different types of emotions within humans, some of which are sensual. This is nothing that has been scientifically studied, this is all from my own life experiences. I notice the different feelings and emotions I had for persons who I thought were listening compared to those who I knew weren't. I saw that within myself I would have deeper feelings for those who I thought heard at least one word I spoke. It's like feeling a connection. The hearing heart could already be there or being created, but the caring ear causes the deepest sensual desires.

Becoming more SENSUAL from being a good LISTENER

When the heart hears what a person desires along genuine emotions (which are rare {we all know that}) it can cause many other types of sensual actions. I am just one who thinks that not only does sensual not have to be sex, but it doesn't have to be physical at all. It could be just setting an atmosphere for a vibe because of what the person said to you. I have done this before myself and the mood was very sensual. They were enjoying themselves and I was enjoying them, it turned out to be a very intense sensual atmosphere. The person was talking to me and in the conversation, they gave a description of some things that were of interest to them, and I used it to create a whole scene. I have done this on several occasions. People have hobbies that they tend to talk about, if there is no interest at least try to find some common ground when they are telling you things. Probing just a little is okay, but we don't want to take over the conversation if the main goal is to listen for tips on how you can incorporate some form of sensuality. Don't worry about how you will go about doing this, I got you in the next topic.

Does your ACTIONS prove you to be

I mean, how sensual are you anyway? If this is something you are not already doing, start now. It's always okay to ask for help. Asking for help is something you may have to do depending on what actions you are trying to take to set the sensual atmosphere. Let's just say for example that the person whom you are trying to be sensual for or with told you that they love wildlife and going to the zoo. You could plan to take them on a nature trail with some of their favorite snacks or a movie date to movie about a zoo (something like Jurassic Park maybe). These are just my examples and possibly some things I would try myself. Make sure you listened enough to not do too much or not enough.

A COMBO package

Do not forget during the time of you performing these action that listening is still the priority. I am saying this because there have been times when I created a situation so sensually intense, I wasn't hearing anything being said. On some occasions they could be laughed about and brushed off, but not all of them could just be sweep under the rug. I have had some awkward situations because I wasn't thinking about becoming more sensual from being a good listener. I set the atmosphere, got what I thought I wanted until it was time for me to give a response to something that was said, and I just brushed it off with a "yeah". It blew the whole mood. Listening carries most of the weight, but along with the actions you get it in a bundled deal, like a combo package.


Do not let yourself get lost in try to please with physical actions. This is when you stop LISTENING. I notice that when I start trying too hard to cause a connection I no longer hear with my heart. I don't know if you all ever heard the saying "in one ear and out of the other", but this is what's happening or "you just hear what you want to hear". If the ultimate goal is becoming more sensual from being a good listener, you must remember listening first in all cases is more important than how intense of an atmosphere you create. Take note that I said how intense and not if you do it at all, because doing both are nearly as equally important. You want to listen first with a compassionate heart and follow up with sensual actions to match or get as close as possible to what you were told. Your ULTIMATE GOAL is becoming more sensual from being a good listener.

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